23.05.2008 |
Foreign Language Home has been acquired by Linguaschools.
03.10.2004 |
Foreign Language Home was attacked by an hacker. To improve security, we must review all pages and scripts. Some links, the software downloads and the language course search engine are under reconstruction. Please come back after a while.
07.03.2004 |
Our software has gone freeware! Free Foreign Language Game Collection 2.0 is available now, together with free vokki 1.31.
11.01.2004 |
Our new domain www.jounne.com is online. It shows our language course search engine with better usability. We plan to extend this page with other foreign language related stuff, e.g. software, books and translation services.
09.06.2002 |
The lesson market has been reopened, offering a set of free lessons for some languages.
09.06.2002 |
We lost www.fremdsprachenhomepage.de, because our web space provider went permanently down. The page was mapped to the English issue.
31.08.2001 |
Foreign Language Game Collection 1.4 has been rolled out.
27.07.2001 |
We affiliated with don quichote language school to offer you free spanish lessons.
02.01.2000 |
Foreign Language Homes Travel Tips section is completely restructured. The new Language Course Search Engine starts listing 29 schools with 364 courses in 40 countries to give an independend overview.
17.11.1999 |
We have moved to new domains:
19.06.1999 |
Passing through an intensive developement phase and an extensive betatest all vocabulary games have been enhanced by
Knowledge Assessment,
Learning Strategies and
Multiuser Support. The new Version 1.3 is ready to download.
22.11.1998 |
The newsletter moved from the GetReminded service to my own domain. Past issues of the newsletter can be downloaded now. Also new: additional learning tips given by some american universities and a new page providing free lessons. |
03.11.1998 |
Foreign Language Game Collection 1.0 bundles the actual versions of the language games. The collection is well configured to use a common lesson pool, common highscore etc., so if you want to get them all, this should be your preferred choice. |
25.10.1998 |
Version 1.2 of the vocabulary games comes with the new Lessons a la Carte feature, which allows language learners to mix their lessons as they like. The features are described on a new feature page now. |
30.08.1998 |
The Foreign Language Learning Homepage celebrates its first anniversary. Each visitor gets a free language game of his choice. |
07.07.1998 |
Forms have been added, where you can report bugs and propose new features for future language game developement. Also new: Subscribe a Newsletter to get these news via email. |
14.06.1998 |
The english Learning Tips section goes online. |
10.05.1998 |
Vocabulary games version 1.1 support single byte character fonts. You can learn Russian, Greek, Chinese etc. now. Unicode may be supported later. Problems with Windows NT have been fixed. The user interface has been extended to Danish, English, German and Spanish. |
23.03.1998 |
The learning strategy, links to software archives and a call for native speakers have been added. The multiple choice test Do it ...! had to be renamed to Choice because of a name conflict. |
17.01.1998 |
With version 1.01 the vocabulary games are equipped with a multilanguage user interface (English and German). Also new: A short page about me. |
15.11.1997 |
The english issue of the Foreign Language Learning Homepage goes online. |
04.10.1997 |
The Section Learning is added. |
30.08.1997 |
The Foreign Language Learning Homepage goes online. |